Clare Bresnahan, Violin

Prospective Students

Teaching Philosophy


My teaching draws on the approaches, ideas, and exercises of the most influential musicians in my own life, as well as the pedagogical methods of Ivan Galamian, Paul Rolland, John Kendall, and Shinichi Suzuki. My two primary focuses as a teacher are to make music fun and rewarding and to be thorough in establishing excellent technique.

I also have a background in something called Body Mapping, which is a method for helping musicians to be aware of their bodies while playing so they can be quick and efficient with their movements and also avoid discomfort from repetitive motions. This influences my teaching and I focus on making sure each student is physically well set up.

As part of my efforts to inspire motivation and joy for music making, I place importance on selecting repertoire that both suits the student’s tastes and provides the necessary educational value. In my own playing I greatly value variety in terms of genres, both within and outside of classical music. I carry this forward into my curriculum, often assigning a classical work alongside a fiddle tune for instance.

I strongly believe that music should be an opportunity available to everyone and that music should be taught to improve people’s lives, not just to produce competition-winning virtuosos. While I am glad to take those who are interested the full distance, and I expect all my students to work hard, I also recognize that music serves a different role in each student’s life. I look forward to discovering the path and goals that make sense for your individual aspirations and life circumstances!


 Student Expectations

I view private music lessons as a commitment on the part of both the teacher and the student. My commitment is to be kind and encouraging, and to provide you with the skills and knowledge required to achieve your goals with the violin or viola, whatever they may be. I expect the following commitments from my students.

  • Put in the work (home practice) necessary to make private lessons rewarding and worthwhile. Students are expected to practice a minimum of 5 days per week.

  • Parents of young students will need to attend all lessons and help the student with their practicing at home.

  • Participate in all studio recitals. The only exception to this is in the case of performance anxiety that prohibits the student from feeling comfortable participating.

  • Attend live concerts with stringed instruments at least a few times a year! (Resources for finding concerts can be found under Teaching>Current Students). Watching other people play the instrument you are learning at a high level is invaluable for motivation and immersion in the language of music.


Studio Logistics

Who can take lessons?

One of my favorite things about teaching is that I get to work with an incredibly diverse array of people! I take students as young as 4 years old, depending on their ability to focus and take direction. I teach lots of adult students — both lifelong players and those new to the violin/viola. I accept beginners with no musical experience whatsoever, collegiate level players, and anything in between.


Performing Opportunities

Studio recitals take place twice per year, in December and June. They are usually at Kenyon Hall and include a potluck/social hour afterwards. Students are highly encouraged to participate but are not required to if they really don’t feel comfortable. Students will always have someone else on stage playing with them unless they want to perform truly solo.


Tuition is paid monthly by check, cash, or direct deposit (Zelle).

30 minutes | $45 (young kids only)

45 minutes | $62

60 minutes | $80


I currently teach Tuesdays-Fridays. I do not teach on weekends due to frequent conflicts with my performing schedule.

I only accept weekly students, to ensure a satisfying level of progress for all parties involved.


My studio is located near Admiral Junction in West Seattle. Once you have set up a trial lesson I will provide you with the exact address.

Studio Policies

Bresnahan String Studio Policies

All new students must agree to my studio policies before beginning regular lessons.